
Entry #1
Pronunciation: gaa1 cyun4
Character Meaning:
home; family
pass on; legend; biography; to pass; to pass on; to hand down; to spread; to circulate; to summon
Part of Speech: distinguishing word
to be handed down from the older generations of the family
(Cant.) 家傳之寶gaa1 cyun4 zi1 bou2
(Eng.) heirloom; a precious item that has been passed down for generations
(Cant.) gaa1cyun4joek6fong1
(Eng.) proprietary family recipe for a medicine
See also: 一炮而紅 世代相傳 口耳相傳 名噪一時 家訓 祖傳 膾炙人口 街知巷聞 訛傳 鼎鼎大名 (類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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