
Entry #1
Pronunciation: on1 lok6 wo1
Character Meaning:
safe; settle; to install; to fabricate; peaceful; stable; at ease; to be satisfied; to feel contented; ounce
music; happy; joyful; cheerful; to enjoy; to appreciate
nest; home; pit
Part of Speech: noun
(of residences, usually homes) a bed of roses; place of comfort and ease; literally: cozy nest (measure word: 個)
(Cant.) ngo5m4seoi1jiu3daai6uk1gaan2gaan2daan1daan1jat1go3on1lok6wo1ji5ging1hou2hou2
(Eng.) I don't need a big house. Simply a cozy home is good enough.
See also: 兒孫滿堂 可憐天下父母心 四海為家 安安穩穩 安居樂業 安枕無憂 家徒四壁 花天酒地 衣錦還鄉 豐衣足食 (類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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