
Entry #1
Pronunciation: hok6 ce1
Character Meaning:
study; subject of study; branch of learning; discipline; school; to learn; to study; to imitate; to mimic
car; vehicle; wheeled vehicles; automobile; driving skill; to give a ride; to hit; to crash; to bullshit
Part of Speech: verb
to learn to drive
(Cant.) ngo5nam2zyu6syu2gaa3heoi3hok6ce1
(Eng.) I'm planning to learn to drive during the summer break.
(Cant.) hok6zo2gei2tong4ce1laa3
(Eng.) I have already taken several driving classes.
See also: 保姆車 剷車 學富五車 學牌 考車 腳踏車 鏟車 開夜車 飆車 養車 (類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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