
Entry #1
Pronunciation: haau3 zi2
Character Meaning:

son; sub-; person; egg
Part of Speech: noun
Labels: Recent Jargon
A popular term among online groups, whereas a person who does not provide photos or videos to pretty girls may be subject profanity from other members of the group, especially 屌你老母, a person who avoids this situation and satisfies the other group members by posting said photos or videos are called 孝子 because they avoid their parents from being verbally abused
Antonym(s): Antonym(s): 不孝子
See also: 妃子 嫂子 嫡子 子侄 孝敬 番子 繼子 義子 遺腹子 養子 (類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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