
Entry #1
Pronunciation: maa1 deng1
Character Meaning:
a pair of; twin
nail; nipples; to nail; to pin; to bind; to die; cancel; suspend
Part of Speech: noun
Labels: Loanword Recent Jargon Jargon Hong Kong
joint university mass dance; originating from the first syllable of each word in "mass dance" in English
(Cant.) maa1deng1baan1tung4hok6paa3m4paa3dung3ngo5zau6m4zi1laak3ngo5zing6hai6zi1keoi5dei6ge3biu2jin2hou2zing1coi2
(Eng.) I have no idea whether the students performing in the mass dance are too weak to stand the coldness. I can only tell that their performance is fantastic.
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