
Entry #1
Pronunciation: gu1 sik1
Character Meaning:
female; lady; for the moment; for the time being; paternal aunt
interest; dividend; great-grandchild; to stop; to cease; to end; to rest; breath; news
Part of Speech: verb
to tolerate; to indulge
(Cant.) 姑息養奸gu1 sik1 joeng5 gaan1
(Eng.) to tolerate evildoers is to nurture them
(Cant.) ngo5dei6hai6m4jing1goi1gu1sik1taam1wu1
(Eng.) We shouldn't tolerate any sign of corruption.
(Cant.) ngo5dei6m4jing1goi1gu1sik1syun2hoi6gung1zung3lei6jik1wai1hip3si5man4on1ngai4ge3bou6lik6
(Eng.) We should not tolerate violence which harms public interests and poses threats to citizen's life.
See also: 忍受 容忍 頂得順 縱容 放縱 醉心 沉迷 容納 以身試法 坐視不理 容忍 掉以輕心 目無法紀 知法犯法 縱容 袖手旁觀 視若無睹 言出必行 (部份類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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