
Entry #1
Pronunciation: mui1 zai2
Character Meaning:
young sister
son; boyfriend; to soften the tone
Part of Speech: noun
maid; female servant of a lower ranking (measure word: 個)
(Cant.) 妹仔大過主人婆mui1 zai2 daai6 gwo3 zyu2 jan4 po4
(Eng.) to have one's priorities backward; for the "lesser" to have stolen the spotlight of the "greater"; a situation where "the tail is wagging the dog"; literally: the maidservant (is) overshadowing her mistress
(Cant.) teng1gong2keoi5naai4naai2dong3keoi5mui1zai2gam2使sai2gaa3sing4jat6fu1fu1hot3hot3m4gwaai3dak1po4sik1gwaan1hai6gam3caa1laa1
(Eng.) I was told that her mother-in-law treated her like a maid, always throwing harsh words and demands at her. No wonder they have such a sour relationship.
(Cant.) nei5jau6m4hai6keoi5mui1zai2m4hou2mat1dou1bong1keoi5zou6saai3laa1
(Eng.) You're not her maid, so don't do everything for him.
Synonym: Synonym: 丫鬟 婢女
See also: 女僕 傭人 使媽 下人 保姆 侄仔 叔仔 大姨媽 姑仔 姣婆 婆仔 老姑婆 老泥妹 舅仔 衰婆 (部份類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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