
Entry #1
Pronunciation: ou3 wan6 wui2
Character Meaning:
unfathomable; abstruse; obscure; Olympics; short for Austria
transport; luck; to carry; to transport; good luck; fortune
to meet; meeting; will; can; big city; to understand; club; society; organisation; conference; to catch up; a very short while; be going to, will; going to; modal verb 'will'
Part of Speech: noun
Labels: Proper Noun
Olympic Games, Olympics
(Cant.) zaam6si4lo2dou2zeoi3do1ou3wan6wui2gam1paai4ge3wan6dung6jyun4hai6mei5gwok3ge3fei1bei2si1keoi5jat1go3jan4ji5ging1ling1zo2sap6baat3go3gam1paai4
(Eng.) The athlete who has the most gold medals in the Olympic Games to date is Michael Phelps. He himself has won eighteen gold medals.
Synonym: Synonym: 奧運
See also: 奧運 世界盃 世運 亞運會 冬奧 國家隊 奧林匹克 奧林匹克運動會 奧運 殘奧 里約熱內盧 (部份類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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