
Entry #1
Pronunciation: sat1 jip6
Character Meaning:
lose; to lose; to miss; mistake; mishap
business; line of business; industry; occupation; profession; employment; property; belonging; (Buddhism) karma
Part of Speech: verb
to lose one's job or to be unemployed; to be out of work; sounds not as positive as 待業 doi6 jip6
(Cant.) keoi5sat1jip6ji5ging1jau5saam1go3jyut6laa3
(Eng.) He's already been out of work for 3 months.
See also: 停薪留職 入不敷支 各行各業 待業 救濟金 無家可歸 肄業 資不抵債 通貨膨脹 飲食業 (類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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