
Entry #1
Pronunciation: tin1 bin1
Character Meaning:
sky; day; 24 hours
side; which; margin; edge; rim; party; opposing groups; "which" or "what"; whom; when).
Part of Speech: noun
  • horizons of the sky

  • remote, faraway locations; literally "edge of the sky"
    (Cant.) hoi2gok3tin1bin1
    (Eng.) ends of the sea and earth
    (Cant.) jyun5zoi6tin1bin1gan6zoi6ngaan5cin4
    (Eng.) It appears to be far away at the horizon, but is (actually) right before your eyes.

See also: 一望無際 千里眼 天棚 天涯海角 天煞孤星 天陰 天際 斜陽 湖光山色 飛邊 (類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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