
Entry #1
Pronunciation: daai6 gaa1 hou2 zou6
Character Meaning:
big; to grow up; to intimidate; to bluff; intensely; greatly; fully; on a large scale; number two; university; large; old in age; older; senior
home; family
very; good; like; to like; to be fond of; to be interested in; sure; quite; fine; kind; friendly; to get well; easy to; good for; suitable for
to do; to act; to perform; to be; to become; to be/play (a role); to be as; to give; to make; to provide; to prepare
Part of Speech: expression
for everyone's convenience
(Cant.) haang4do1loeng5bou6daai6gaa1hou2zou6
(Eng.) Be more proactive for the benefit of everybody.
(Cant.) joek3faat3saam1zoeng1dou1hai6soeng2daai6gaa1hou2zou6ze1
(Eng.) Making rules is just for everyone's good.
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