
Entry #1
Pronunciation: daai6 jan4 mat2
Character Meaning:
big; to grow up; to intimidate; to bluff; intensely; greatly; fully; on a large scale; university; large; old in age; older; senior; number two
human; human being; person; people; personality; everybody; (some) people; others; somebody; body of a person
matter; thing; object
Part of Speech: noun
important person; big shot; VIP (measure word: 個)
(Cant.) ni1go3wui2go3go3ceot1zik6can1dou1hai6daai6jan4mat2lai4gaa3
(Eng.) All the people attending this meeting are important people.
See also: 主角 大粒癦 VIP 一朝天子一朝臣 大凡 大姐大 大家閨秀 大忙人 大户人家 皇親國戚 神龍見首不見尾 經手人 達官貴人 (部份類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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