
Entry #1
Pronunciation: bou3 on3
Character Meaning:
to report; newspaper; report; announcement; periodical; journal; to announce; to report (a news); to publicise; to apply; to sign up; to respond; to reply
case; table; desk; file; record; to make a note; to comment
Part of Speech: verb
to report a criminal case to the police
(Cant.) ngo5ngaam1ngaam1bei2jan4daa2gip3m4goi1bong1ngo5bou3on3aa1
(Eng.) I was just robbed. Can you please help me report the case to the police?
Synonym: Synonym: 報警
See also: 作案 報串 報警 投訴 投訴無門 接報 求助 舉報 通風報訊 銷案 (類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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