
Entry #1
Pronunciation: ham1 cing1
Character Meaning:
really; being worthy of; cannot endure
to say; called; weigh; to be equal to; to suit; steelyard balance; Roman balance; to call; to claim; to state; to self-proclaim
Part of Speech: verb
to be qualified for the title
(Cant.) keoi5ham1cing1jat1doi6zung1si1
(Eng.) He bears the title of the master of his generation.
(Cant.) zoeng1bok3si6ham1cing1haau2gu2hok6gaai3ge3kyun4wai1
(Eng.) Dr. Cheung is truly an authority in the field of archaeology.
See also: 並駕齊驅 可謂 大器晚成 當之無愧 稱得上 空前絕後 舉世無雙 舉世聞名 號稱 首屈一指 (類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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