
Entry #1
Pronunciation: dei6 leoi4
Character Meaning:
land; -ly; ground; field; floor; place; locality; area
thunder; to be a burden; detrimental
Part of Speech: noun
  • landmine (measure word: 個)
    (Cant.) caai2dei6leoi6
    (Eng.) minesweeper, a computer game
    (Cant.) jyut6zin3si4kei4mei5gwan1hai2jyut6naam4maai4zo2hou2do1dei6leoi4
    (Eng.) A lot of landmines were buried in Vietnam by the US military during the Vietnam War.

  • dog faeces; dog dirt
    (Cant.) caai2dei6leoi4
    (Eng.) to step on dog shit

See also: 上彈 亂葬崗 刺網 天羅地網 恐怖份子 掃雷 水雷 誤中副車 防禦工事 高射炮 (類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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