
Entry #1
Pronunciation: dei6 tou4 paau3
Character Meaning:
land; -ly; ground; field; floor; place; locality; area
picture; diagram; chart
gun; big gun; firecracker; cannon; artillery; camera lens
Part of Speech: noun
  • a 'global' attack in video games, usually capable of massive damage, even to friendlies
    (Cant.) zek3je5jat1go3dei6tou4paau3ce1maai4lai4zau6cyun4deoi6sei2saai3laa3
    (Eng.) The creature wiped out the whole team with a single global attack.

  • to make a vague or generalized criticism or attack, that could be applied to many individuals
    (Cant.) keoi5gam2joeng2hoi1dei6tou4paau3lin4zi6gei2di1dong2jau5dou1naau6maai4dou1ng4zi1
    (Eng.) He wasn't even aware of the fact that the same could be said of his fellow party members with regard to his blanket criticisms.

Synonym: Synonym: 一竹篙打一船人
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