
Entry #1
Pronunciation: wui4 sau1
Character Meaning:
return; chapter of a novel; to reply; (of gaming) to heal; to revive; to restore; to return; to go back to; to come back to
collect; to receive; to accept; to regain; to gather; to collect; to hide; to cover; to close; to shut; to end; to stop; to undo; to cancel; to withdraw; to retract; to restrain; to punish; to teach a lesson
Part of Speech: verb
  • to recycle; to retrieve; to reclaim
    (Cant.) 回收桶wui4 sau1 tung2
    (Eng.) recycling bin
    (Cant.) 回收場wui4 sau1 coeng4
    (Eng.) waste recycling yard
    (Cant.) wui4sau1fai3zi2
    (Eng.) to recycle paper

  • to recall a product
    (Cant.) zing3fu2haa6ling6wui4sau1ni1loeng5zek3sau3san1caan2ban2
    (Eng.) The government ordered the recall of two slimming products.

See also: 再造 挽回 光復 索回 開墾 再造 堆填區 塑料 廚餘 廢物 循環再用 棄置 物盡其用 環保 發泡膠 (部份類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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