「囉 / 囖」

Entry #1
  • lo1
  • lo1
Part of Speech: particle
  • "Don't you know?"; used to point out something seemingly obvious that's gone unnoticed; usually used with mai6
    (Cant.) #咩囉me1 lo1
    (Eng.) It's that thing. Don't you know?
    (Cant.) #係囉hai6 lo1
    (Eng.) Of course!
    (Cant.) gaa3ce1mai6hai2deoi3min6lo1gam2dou1tai2m4dou2
    (Eng.) The car is right opposite to you. You didn't even notice it?

  • used to explain the rationale or provide justification akin to "that's why"
    (Cant.) ngo5ji5cin4m4hang2nou5lik6ji4gaa1mai6gaau2dou3gam2lo1
    (Eng.) I didn't work hard enough in the past, so that's why I ended up like this.
    (Cant.) mei6cung1sin3zau6hing3zuk1git3gwo2mai6gam2lo1
    (Eng.) Celebrating before finishing the race? That's the result!

  • follows a list to imply it continues with similar or unimportant items; "and what not"; "and so on"
    (Cant.) ngo5ping4jat6jau5me1zou6mou5gaa3lok6gung1jyun2saan3haa5bou6tung4di1gaai1fong1ceoi1haa5seoi2gam2lo1
    (Eng.) What do I have to do on a regular basis? Well, going for a leisurely walk, chatting with neighbours, and what not.
    (Cant.) uk1kei2jau5dau6fu6daan2sau3juk6tung4faan1ke2lo1
    (Eng.) There's tofu, eggs, lean pork, tomatoes, and what not.

  • used to emphasise one's strong opinion, especially but not limited to negative feelings
    (Cant.) m4hai6lo1
    (Eng.) I quite disagree.
    (Cant.) ngo5m4tung4ji3lo1
    (Eng.) I don't agree at all!
    (Cant.) keoi5jat1ding6m4wui5zung1ji3nei5lo1
    (Eng.) I really don't think she will like you.
    (Cant.) nei5zung1ji3dim2mai6dim2lo1
    (Eng.) Do whatever you like!
    (Cant.) gaap3方丈fong1 zoeng6zan1hai6hou2siu2hei3aa3jyut6hai6lo1
    (Eng.) A: "He is hopelessly retributive!" B: "Yes! Exactly!"

  • to express helplessness or reluctance
    (Cant.) soeng6tau4giu3dou3wai4jau5zou6lo1
    (Eng.) The boss demands it. We have no choice but to do it.
    (Cant.) deoi3m4zyu6lo1zeoi3do1ceng2nei5jam2hei3seoi2lo1
    (Eng.) Alright, I'm sorry, OK? I'll make it up to you by buying you a soda (... if that makes you happy).
    (Cant.) gaap3ni1go3hong6muk6jau4nei5fu6zaak3dak1m4dak1jyut6o3hou2lo1
    (Eng.) A: "Can you take responsibility for this project?" B: "Uh, okay..."

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