
Entry #1
Pronunciation: nong4 zung1 mat6
Character Meaning:
sack; bag; pocket; case; purse
centre; hit; middle; medium; intermediate; origin; focus; within; in the process of; in progress; post-verbal suffix; China; Chinese; secondary school; regular
matter; thing; object
Part of Speech: noun
things that one will certainly get; literally: things in a bag
(Cant.) keoi5ge3fan1sou3ling5sin1hou2do1gun3gwan1jing1goi1hai6keoi5ge3nong4zung1mat6laa3
(Eng.) Her score is way ahead of the others. She will certainly be the champion.
See also: 一枝獨秀 可望而不可即 名花有主 奇貨可居 心腹大患 所向無敵 手下敗將 明日黃花 眾所周知 (類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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