
Entry #1
Pronunciation: hiu1 zoeng1
Character Meaning:

to exaggerate; (measure); to open; to spread; to stretch; to magnify; to amplify; to look; to glance; sheet; photograph
Part of Speech: adjective
arrogant; boastful
(Cant.) taai3dou6hiu1zoeng1
(Eng.) arrogant attitude
(Cant.) nei5m4hou2ling1dou2100jat1 baak3fan1zau6gam3hiu1zoeng1aa3haa2
(Eng.) Don't be so arrogant even though you scored 100.
Synonym: Synonym:
See also: 妄 得戚 囂 招積 寸 牙擦擦 沙塵 沙塵白霍 懶叻 車大炮 誇口 吹噓 吹牛 不可一世 口不擇言 咄咄逼人 得戚 有恃無恐 狂妄 狂妄自大 目中無人 趾高氣揚 飛揚跋扈 (部份類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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