
Entry #1
Pronunciation: saai1 sam1 gei1 ngaai4 ngaan5 fan3
Character Meaning:
to waste; to spend carelessly
heart; centre; core; personality; mind; feeling; intention; affection; love; mind, attention; "heart" shape
machine; aircraft; aeroplane; chance; opportunity
endure; to endure; to put up with; to last; to sustain
eye; hole; aperture; glance; glimpse
to sleep; to lie down
Part of Speech: expression
to waste someone's time and effort
(Cant.) gam3lok6lik6zou6me1aa1mai6zaan2hai6saai1sam1gei1ngaai4ngaan5fan3
(Eng.) What's the point of paying so much effort? It will be just wasted!
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