
Entry #1
Pronunciation: ge3
Part of Speech: affix
  • used with two noun phrases to indicate possession; denotes that the latter belongs to, or is a part of, the former; similar to English " 's "
    (Cant.) bin1go3ge3
    (Eng.) Whose?
    (Cant.) hai6ngo5ge3
    (Eng.) (It's) mine.
    (Cant.) go2bun2hai6ngo5ge3syu1
    (Eng.) That is my book.
    (Cant.) soeng1coeng4ge3ci3so2hai2jat1lau2
    (Eng.) The restroom in this shopping mall is on the first floor.
    (Cant.) ni1gaan1gung1si1ge3jyun4gung1hou2hau6saang1
    (Eng.) The employees of this company are so young.
    (Cant.) daai6zoi1naan6ji5ging1gong3lam4hai2daai6gaa1ge3san1soeng6
    (Eng.) A great disaster has befallen us all.

  • inserted between the modifying clause/phrase and the noun; often translated as "that" or "which" in English
    (Cant.) keoi5hai6ni1dou6zeoi3leng3ge3neoi5zai2
    (Eng.) She is the prettiest girl here.
    (Cant.) gam1jat6lai4m4dou2hoi1wui2ge3sing4jyun4gei3dak1jiu3tai2faan1wui6ji5gei3luk6aa3
    (Eng.) Members who couldn't attend today's meeting, please remember to read the minutes!
    (Cant.) ni1go3hai6jat1go3hai2mei5gwok3hou2ceot1meng2ge3mong5zaam6
    (Eng.) This is a website that is famous in the United States.
    (Cant.) ni1loeng5soeng1ge3dung1tin1saam1nei5hou2ci5mou5mat1dim2zoek3gam2bo3
    (Eng.) You don't seem to wear these two boxes of winter clothes very often.

Synonym: Synonym:
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Entry #2
Pronunciation: ge2
Part of Speech: particle
  • used to express doubt or inquire into the reasons behind something
    (Cant.) dim2gaai2ge2
    (Eng.) Why?
    (Cant.) mat1nei5zung6hai2dou6ge2
    (Eng.) How come you're still here?
    (Cant.) nei5zou6mat1m4zau2ge2
    (Eng.) Why haven't you left yet?
    (Cant.) nei5gaau2me1lei4aa3zau1san1soeng1ge2
    (Eng.) What happened? Why have you got bruises everywhere?
    (Cant.) sau1m4dou2seon3hou6ge2
    (Eng.) Why is there no signal?

  • used in rhetorical questions to express exclamation, as a variant of sense 1 with a weaker interrogative sense
    (Cant.) jau6wui5gam3ngaam1ge2
    (Eng.) What a coincidence!
    (Cant.) gam2zung6sing4sai3gaai3ge2
    (Eng.) What has become of this world?
    (Cant.) m4bei2jan4haang4dou1jau5ge2
    (Eng.) Why are you forbidding people from passing through?
    (Cant.) nap1si6do1be1lei2gam3syun1ge2
    (Eng.) What a sour strawberry!
    (Cant.) zek3wun6geoi6hung4gam3dak1ji3ge2bin1dou6maai5gaa3
    (Eng.) Such a cute teddy bear. Where did you buy it?
    (Cant.) puk1nei5go3gaai1aa3si6lei4ge2
    (Eng.) What the bloody hell, it's ATV!
    (Cant.) ni1dou6dou1m4hou2waan2ge2zau2laa3
    (Eng.) This place isn't fun at all, let's go.
    (Cant.) jan4gaa1gong2dak1gam3baak6nei5dou1zung6m4ming4gaai2ge2
    (Eng.) I'm making myself pretty clear. How can you still not understand?
    (Cant.) ciu1lau4ge2
    (Eng.) Bummer! It's fake.
    (Cant.) nei5fan6jan4dou1mou5gaai2ge2
    (Eng.) You are being unreasonable!
    (Cant.) gam2ge3fuk6mou6taai3dou6dou1m4zi1hai6mai6zou6saang1ji3ge2
    (Eng.) What kind of customer service is that? I thought they were real businessmen (who knew how to treat customers right)!

  • used in statements to weaken the speaker's tone to express doubt or hesitation; sometimes uttered with a prolonged pronunciation
    (Cant.) dou1hou2ge2dou1hou2ge2
    (Eng.) That's also fine, I guess...
    (Cant.) ting1jat6wui5lei4ge2
    (Eng.) I'll come tomorrow. Maybe.
    (Cant.) OKou1 kei1ge2
    (Eng.) It's sort of okay...
    (Cant.) nei5dou1gong2dak1ngaam1ge2
    (Eng.) I guess you kinda have a point...

  • used to weaken the speaker's tone to express an understatement
    (Cant.) caat3syun2zo2siu2siu2ze1mou5me1ge2
    (Eng.) Just a scratch. No big deal.
    (Cant.) waak6laa1zoeng1zi2m4zung6jiu3ge2
    (Eng.) Feel free to draw on it. It's just scrap paper.
    (Cant.) gaai1dou6lo2gaa3m4使sai2cin2ge2
    (Eng.) I got it from some street booth for free.
    (Cant.) ji2mat1gam3co3dong6aa3o5ngo5lai4wan2aa3cing4ge2
    (Eng.) "Huh? How come you're here? I don't see you here very often." "Oh, I came for Ching."
    (Cant.) gam2keoi5jau6zan1hai6bong1m4lok6ge2
    (Eng.) Well, it's kinda true that he deserves no help.

  • usually used with mai6 or 又係 jau6 hai6 to remind the hearer of a past event
    (Cant.) cam4maan5nei5mai6waa6nei5maai5zo2ping3tou4faan1uk1kei2cai3ge2cai3seng4dim2aa3ji4gaa1
    (Eng.) Hey, didn't you say last night that you bought some puzzles to do at home? How are you doing so far?
    (Cant.) ngo5dei6go2ci3mai6heoi3sik6faan6ge2zong6dou2go2go3mai6aa3git6lo1
    (Eng.) Do you remember that time we ate out? Ah Kit's the guy we bumped into.
    (Cant.) jau6hai6nei5waa6ge2haan4si6mok6lei5aa1maa3
    (Eng.) It's you who told me to mind my own business.

  • used to cite a fact as evidence in defense
    (Cant.) ngo5giu3keoi5gam2zou6ge2bin1gwaan1keoi5si6zek1
    (Eng.) I told her to do it. It isn't her fault.
    (Cant.) mat1tiu4kwan4zan1hai6m4leng3me1ngo5naam4pang4jau5zaan3ngo5zoek3dak1hou2tai2ngo5sin1maai5ge2
    (Eng.) Is the dress really that bad? I only bought it because my boyfriend said I looked good in it.

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Entry #3
Pronunciation: ge3
Part of Speech: particle
  • used to express confidence or assert a fact
    (Cant.) ngo5zi1dou3nei5jat1ding6wui5bong1ngo5ge3
    (Eng.) I knew you would help me.
    (Cant.) m4使sai2jung6gim3ge3jung6hak1syun4fung1paai4zi2zau6dak1laa1
    (Eng.) No need for a sword. Just use Black Vortex (brand).
    (Cant.) hai6ngo5giu3keoi5gam2zou6ge3
    (Eng.) I'm the one that told her to do it.
    (Cant.) mou5si6ge3
    (Eng.) It'll be fine.
    (Cant.) zau6gam2ge3ni1dyun6luk6jam1ji5ging1daa2hou2zo2laak3gan1zyu6使sai2m4使sai2faan1teng1deoi3稿gou2
    (Eng.) So, this recording has been transcribed already. Should I listen to the recording again and proofread the transcript?

  • used to express disbelief, usually together with 又會 jau6 wui5
    (Cant.) dik6jan4ge3dik6jan4zau6jat1ding6hai6zi6gei2ge3pang4jau5lai4ge3
    (Eng.) Are you sure the enemy of your enemy is your friend?

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Entry #4
Pronunciation: ge3
Part of Speech: conjunction
"if you really ...", commonly used in a persuasion, request or complaint; the conjunction is added to the end of a clause, and followed by another clause with the word zau6, to convey a strong if-then logical relation: if the second clause (either a request or statement) is not fulfilled, then the first clause is nullified
(Cant.) sik1ceoi3ge3zau6m4hou2zo2zyu6saai3
(Eng.) If you are smart, then stop getting in the way.
(Cant.) hai6pang4jau5ge3zau6m4goi1bong1haa5sau2laa1
(Eng.) If you really are a friend of mine, you should help us out.
(Cant.) oi3ngo5ge3zau6lei4hoi1ngo5laa1
(Eng.) If you love me, then leave me for good.
Synonym: Synonym: 嘅話 的話
Copyrights:© 2018 Hong Kong Lexicography Limited - License