
Entry #1
Pronunciation: daan1 san1 gau2
Character Meaning:
thin; alone; only; single, alone; list; document; sheet of cloth; single; one; (maths.) odd; bill; receipt; order; transaction
body; count; life; oneself; point of view
dog; pooch; sly; crafty; cunning; tricky; unworthy; of low character
Part of Speech: noun
Labels: Slang Recent Jargon
derogatory address used by the single people (those with no romantic partner) themselves; literally: single dog (measure word: 隻)
(Cant.) ngo5ni1di1daan1san1gau2gwo3mat1gwai2cing4jan4zit3zek1
(Eng.) Why the hell should I, a singleton, celebrate Valentine's Day?
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