
Entry #1
Pronunciation: man6 coeng4 man6 dyun2
Character Meaning:
to ask
to grow; long; length; strong point; merit; specialty
to ask
short; (of length) short; (of time) short; weak; deficient
Part of Speech: verb
to make detailed and thorough enquiries in an annoying way
(Cant.) sai3lou6zai2zeoi3zung1ji3man6coeng4man6dyun2
(Eng.) Children love to annoy people with trivial questions.
(Cant.) ngo5fan6CVsi1 wi1mou5se2GPAzi1 pi1 ei1fai3si6bei2jan4man6coeng4man6dyun2
(Eng.) I didn't include my GPA in my CV because I don't want to be asked about it.
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