
Entry #1
Pronunciation: m4 hou2 ji3 si1 m4 hou2 ji3 si3
Character Meaning:
very; good; like; to like; to be fond of; to be interested in; sure; quite; fine; kind; friendly; to get well; easy to; good for; suitable for
meaning; idea; wish; desire; intention
to think; to miss; to think of
Part of Speech: expression
  • used to express regret, refusal or disagreement in a polite manner; sorry
    (Cant.) m4hou2ji3si3aa3gam3je6daa2gaau2nei5
    (Eng.) I'm sorry to disturb you so late at night.
    (Cant.) sin1saang1m4hou2ji3si1nei5ge3cim1meng2tung4ngo5dei6ge3gei2luk6jau5ceot1jap6ceng2nei5zoi3cim1jat1ci3aa1
    (Eng.) Sir, I'm sorry but I'm afraid your signature does not match our records, would you please sign again?

  • excuse me; usually used when interrupting people
    (Cant.) m4hou2ji3si1ni1gaan1caan1teng1m4ho2ji5sik6jin1
    (Eng.) Excuse me, but we do not allow smoking at this restaurant.
    (Cant.) m4hou2ji3si3m4goi1ze3ze3
    (Eng.) Excuse me (can you move so that I can pass?)

  • to be embarrassed for receiving gifts or favors from others and not being able to return the favor
    (Cant.) ngo5maai4daan1go2zan6sin1faat3jin6san1soeng6dak1faan1廿jaa6man1zeoi3hau6aa3ming4ceng2zo2ngo5sik6faan6zan1hai6gei2m4hou2ji3si1aa3
    (Eng.) When the bill arrived I discovered I only had $20 in my pockets, so Ming treated me dinner that time. I feel so embarrassed.
    (Cant.) keoi5bong1gwo3ngo5gam3do1ngo5m4hou2ji3si3tok3keoi5sau2zaang1
    (Eng.) He helped me out a lot in the past, so I would feel bad if I refused his request.

  • to feel shy or embarrassed
    (Cant.) m4hou2mong1zyu6laa1jan4dei6neoi5zai2lai4gaa3gei2m4hou2ji3si1ne1
    (Eng.) Don't stare at her, she's a shy girl.

See also: 惋惜 抱歉 sorry 對不起 對唔住
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