
Entry #1
Pronunciation: tung4 wan1 cang4
Character Meaning:
with; and; same; identical; common
warmth; temperature; to revise; to review; to study
layer; level; storey; floor; level, deck; rank
Variants: Variants:
Part of Speech: noun
  • stratosphere

  • a group of like-minded people
    (Cant.) joek6gwo2tung4wan1cang4taai3hau5ho2nang4wui5zip3zuk1m4dou2kei4taa1jan4ge3gun1dim2
    (Eng.) If you are in a large echo chamber, it may not be easy for you to encounter people with different opinions.

See also: 莫逆之交 志趣相投 一般見識 人老珠黃 先入為主 同聲同氣 同道中人 圈外人 大眾媒介 平行時空 自我感覺良好 鍵盤戰士 (部份類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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