
Entry #1
Pronunciation: tung4 hok6
Character Meaning:
with; and; same; identical; common
study; subject of study; branch of learning; discipline; school; to learn; to study; to imitate; to mimic
Part of Speech: noun
  • schoolmate; classmate (measure word: 個)
    (Cant.) tung4hok6wui2
    (Eng.) alumni association
    (Cant.) zung1hok6tung4hok6
    (Eng.) secondary school classmate
    (Cant.) aa3zing1hai6ngo5tung4baan1tung4hok6
    (Eng.) Crystal is my classmate.
    (Cant.) haau6zoeng2gok3wai2lou5si1gok3wai2tung4hok6zou2san4
    (Eng.) Good morning Principal, teachers and fellow schoolmates.

  • student (measure word: 個)
    (Cant.) can4tung4hok6
    (Eng.) a student surnamed Chan
    (Cant.) gam3do1wai2tung4hok6ngo5dei6hoi1ci2soeng5tong4laa3
    (Eng.) Alright students, let's start our lesson.

See also: 同窗 門生 門人 學生 中學生 學妹 學弟 學生 學長 小學生 師生 老師 舊生 莊友 (部份類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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