
Entry #1
Pronunciation: hap6 kwan4
Character Meaning:
close; suit; combine; to close; to combine; to join (efforts); to unite; to match; to suit; to be equal to; to be equivalent to
crowd; group; herd; flock
Variants: Variants:
Part of Speech: adjective
gregarious; sociable
(Cant.) keoi5zung1ji3duk6loi4duk6wong5hou2m4hap6kwan4so2ji5mou5mat1pang4jau5
(Eng.) He is a loner and is not sociable, and that is why he does not have a lot of friends.
See also: yo 出類拔萃 分工合作 和洽 廣結善緣 彼此彼此 成雙成對 有志者事竟成 諧和 通情達理 鶴立雞群 (部份類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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