
Entry #1
Pronunciation: hap6 cing4 hap6 lei5
Character Meaning:
close; suit; combine; to close; to combine; to join (efforts); to unite; to match; to suit; to be equal to; to be equivalent to
affection; love; passion; feeling; condition; situation
close; suit; combine; to close; to combine; to join (efforts); to unite; to match; to suit; to be equal to; to be equivalent to
to care about; to pay attention to; to focus on; to care for; to spend time on; reason; logic; natural science
Part of Speech: adjective
to be reasonable (and sensible)
(Cant.) waa6saai3dou1hai6uk1kei2jan4keoi5wui5bong1sau2dou1hai6hap6cing4hap6lei5ge2
(Eng.) They are his family; it is reasonable for him to help them.
See also: make sense 講理
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