
Entry #1
Pronunciation: hek3 lik6
Character Meaning:
eat; to eat; to take; to take (medicine)
strength; powerfully; forcefully; strongly; physical strength; effort; force
Part of Speech: adjective
strenuous; arduous
(Cant.) 吃力不討好hek3 lik6 bat1 tou2 hou2
(Eng.) to put in much hard work, but get very little result; to undertake a thankless task
(Cant.) keoi5jat1go3jan4fu6daam1seng4tau4gaa1hou2hek3lik6gaa3
(Eng.) It's so tiring for her to be the only one who supports the whole family.
Synonym: Synonym: 辛苦
See also: 粗重嘢 辛苦 粗重 苛 艱辛 艱巨 艱苦 不知所措 乏力 力不從心 吃不消 吃重 有心無力 有氣無力 精疲力盡 費勁 難為情 (部份類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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