yue:將食物放入#微波爐 入面加熱;通常微波爐嘅計時器時間到加熱完就會「叮」一聲,其他煮食工具如#焗爐 都有相似設計,但係唔會叫用焗爐做「叮」
eng:(from the sound of the timer of a microwave oven) to cook or heat food with a microwave oven
yue:將條魚放入微波爐叮五分鐘。 (zoeng1 tiu4 jyu2 fong3 jap6 mei4 bo1 lou4 ding1 ng5 fan1 zung1.)
eng:Put the fish in the microwave and cook it for 5 minutes.
yue:指乘搭#電車 或#輕鐵;電車同輕鐵都會以「#叮叮」嘅鐘聲去提醒路人注意
eng:(from the sound of the warning bell of trams) to take the tram on the Hong Kong Island or Light Rail in Northwest New Territories.
yue:銅鑼灣過灣仔咁近,不如叮過去啦。 (tung4 lo4 waan1 gwo3 waan1 zai2 gam3 kan5, bat1 jyu4 ding1 gwo3 heoi3 laa1.)
eng:It is so close from Causeway Bay to Wan Chai, so let's take the tram.
yue:紅橋過新墟都唔知搭咩車,叮過去好過啦。 (hung4 kiu4 gwo3 san1 heoi1 dou1 m4 zi1 daap3 me1 ce1, ding1 gwo3 heoi3 hou2 gwo3 laa1.)
eng:There's no other convenient transportation from Hung Kiu to San Hui. I think taking the Light Rail is the best.
yue:#蚊 咬動物吸取#血液
eng:(of mosquitoes) to bite
yue:蚊叮蟲咬 (man1 deng1 cung4 ngaau5)
eng:bites by mosquitoes and insects
yue:噚日行山畀蚊叮咗十幾啖。 (cam4 jat6 haang4 saan1 bei2 man1 deng1 zo2 sap6 gei2 daam6.)
eng:Yesterday I went hiking and was bitten by mosquitoes for over 10 times.