
Entry #1
Pronunciation: ling6 hei2 lou4 zou3
Character Meaning:
another; separately; having other way
stand up; up; rise; case; instance; from; to rise; to get up; to stand up; to build; to set up; to appear; to form; to draft; to draw up; to work out; to collect; to extract
a stove; a furnace
kitchen range; kitchen god
Part of Speech: verb
to withdraw from something already established, especially companies or other organisations, and set up another with a similar nature; literally 'to set up a separate stove'
(Cant.) keoi5hai2keoi5baa4baa1gaan1貿mau6jik6gung1si1bong1sau2zou6zo2ng5nin4zi1hau6zau6ling6hei2lou4zou3zi6gei2hoi1zo2gaan1貿mau6jik6gung1si1zou6lou5baan2
(Eng.) After working in his father's trade company for five years, he started a company of his own.
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