
Entry #1
Pronunciation: jyun4 zi2 daan2
Character Meaning:
primary; original; flat land
son; sub-; person; egg
elastic; play((instrument)); criticise; bullet; ammunition; bomb; projectile; to bounce; to rebound; to flick; to refuse; to reject; to criticise; to talk bad about
Part of Speech: noun
atomic bomb; nucleus (measure word: 個 / 粒 / 枚)
(Cant.) jyun4zi2daan2baau3zaa3wui5caan2sang1mo4gu1jing4zong6ge3wan4
(Eng.) Explosion of atomic bomb produces mushroom cloud.
See also: 原子核 核心 上彈 人造衞星 信號彈 手榴彈 投彈 核子彈 核子武器 核裂變 燃燒彈 黃色炸藥 (部份類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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