
Entry #1
Pronunciation: zik1 coeng4
Character Meaning:
immediately; namely; to be; to mean; at once; to start; instantly; in no time
(measure); place; area; venue; field; ground; stage; site; scene; (theatre) scene
Part of Speech: adverb
on the spot
(Cant.) lou5baan2gin3dou2keoi5jyun4gung1cong2zo2wo6zik1coeng4caau2zo2keoi5
(Eng.) The boss saw his employee got into trouble, so he fired that employee immediately.
(Cant.) gaau3sau6gin3dou2keoi5ceot1maau1zik1coeng4fei4zo2keoi5
(Eng.) The professor saw him cheating in an exam, and failed him on the spot.
(Cant.) gei3ze2hei1mong6ji5jyun4ho2ji5hai2wui6ji5teng1zik1coeng4wai6si1zing3bou3gou3ping4fan1
(Eng.) The reporter asks the legislators to rate the Policy Address in the chamber immediately.
(Cant.) jau5hok6saang1hai2zau1wui5si4daai6giu3zik1coeng4bei2lou5si1fat6
(Eng.) Some students were shouting in the hall during the assembly, and were punished by the teachers on the spot.
See also: 一如所料 七手八腳 二話不説 即席 即時 即晚 手寫板 當場 第一時間 錄音筆 (類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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