
Entry #1
Pronunciation: jan3 dou6 joeng4
Character Meaning:
seal; chop; stamp; print; mark; scar; shorthand for India; to mark; to trace; to engrave; to print
place; to measure; degree; standard; limit; consideration; appearance; tolerance; approximately; about; around; spot; boundaries; to devise; to work out; to ponder; 1kl of water usage
ocean; foreign; sea; overseas; Western; Caucasian; greatly; highly
Part of Speech: noun
Labels: Proper Noun
Indian Ocean
See also: 加勒比海 印度尼西亞 印度支那 大西洋 太平洋 密克羅尼西亞 所羅門群島 毛里塔尼亞 裏海 馬紹爾群島 (類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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