
Entry #1
Pronunciation: bak1
Part of Speech: noun
(Cant.) 北方bak1 fong1
(Eng.) the north
(Cant.) 北極bak1 gik6
(Eng.) the North Pole
(Cant.) 北半球bak1 bun3 kau4
(Eng.) The Northern Hemisphere
(Cant.) 北冰洋bak1 bing1 joeng4
(Eng.) The Arctic Ocean
(Cant.) 北區bak1 keoi1
(Eng.) the North district
(Cant.) 西北sai1 bak1
(Eng.) northwest
(Cant.) 東北dung1 bak1
(Eng.) northeast
(Cant.) 北歐bak1 au1
(Eng.) Northern Europe
(Cant.) san1gaai3bak1
(Eng.) New Territories North
(Cant.) waa4bak1
(Eng.) North China
(Cant.) keoi5zyu6dak1hou2bak1ge3
(Eng.) She lives in the north. (Literally, She lives very north)
(Cant.) toi4fung1wai2jyu1toi4bak1ji5bak1jat1baak3gung1lei5
(Eng.) The typhoon is at 100km north of Taipei.
See also: 北方
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