「包剪揼 / 包剪𢱕」

Entry #1
  • 包剪揼 baau1 zin2 dap6
  • 包剪𢱕 baau1 zin2 dap6
Character Meaning:
to wrap; bag; package; pack; packet; to pack up; to wrap up; to surround; to enclose; to guarantee; to assure; to hire exclusively; to charter; to include; to contain
to cut((with scissors)); to trim; to clip
to pound; to strike; to hammer; to get wet by rain; to dawdle; to prolong; to delay
Part of Speech: noun
rock, paper, scissors
(Cant.) baan6gung1sat1leoi5min6di1zyu1gu1lik1beng2zing6faan1jat1faai3ngo5dei6nam2zyu6caai1baau1zin2dap6kyut3ding6bin1go3sik6bat1gwo3hai2caai1zi1cin4zau6bei2jan4sik6zo2
(Eng.) There was one chocolate cookie left in the office, and we wanted to decide who was to eat it by a game of rock, papers and scissors, but it was already eaten by someone else beforehand.
Synonym: Synonym: 猜呈尋
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