
Entry #1
Pronunciation: tong1 gai1 waan4 san4
Character Meaning:
to cut into pieces; to blackmail
chicken; a whistle
to return; even; to bring back; to repay; and also; more; still
god; spirit; mind; expression; look; goddess; deity; not working; dysfunctional; inoperative; insane; crazy; nuts; mad; out of one's mind
Variants: Variants:還神
Part of Speech: verb
(as a gesture to thank god) to slaughter a chicken to offer to god after a narrow escape from a misfortune
(Cant.) nei5gam1ci3tou4gwo3daai6naan6zan1hai6jiu3tong1gai1waan4san4laa3
(Eng.) You should thank god for being saved from the disaster. You need to slaughter a chicken as an offering.
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