
Entry #1
Pronunciation: tong1 gai1
Character Meaning:
to cut into pieces; to blackmail
chicken; a whistle
Variants: Variants:
Part of Speech: verb
to produce irritable sounds by poor playing of string instruments or singing; literally: to slaughter a chicken
(Cant.) keoi5laai1siu2tai4kam4laai1dou3tong1gai1gam2
(Eng.) He plays the violin so poorly as if he were trying to kill a chicken.
(Cant.) bun3je6saam1gaang1gaak3lei4uk1go3siu2pang4jau5zung6hoeng2dou6tong1gai1ngo5jiu3heoi3gun2lei5cyu5tau4sou3sin1dak1
(Eng.) My neighbour's kid is still playing the violin so badly in the middle of the night. I have to make a complaint to the building management office.
Synonym: Synonym: 鋸雞
See also: 鋸雞
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