
Entry #1
Pronunciation: kek6 tau3
Character Meaning:
play; drama; film; movie
to infiltrate; to penetrate; to seep through; to pass through; light; diaphanous
Part of Speech: verb
Labels: Recent Jargon
to reveal the plot of a book, film, etc. to somebody who has not seen or read it; to spoil
(Cant.) ngo5zung6mei6tai2daai6si4doi6gaa3nei5mai5kek6tau3
(Eng.) I haven't watched 'The Greed of Man' yet. Don't spoil it for me!
Synonym: Synonym: 穿橋
See also: 敗壞 攪喎 溺愛 大結局 對號入座 彩蛋 恐怖片 折子戲 故弄玄虛 標題黨 真人真事 英雄救美 題外話 (部份類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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