
Entry #1
Pronunciation: co1 faan6
Character Meaning:
first; early; the beginning of; for the first time; just beginning to; just happened; elementary; junior
to commit; to violate; convict; criminal; to offend; to be against
Part of Speech: verb
first time committing an offence
(Cant.) nim6nei5gam1ci3co1faan6ngo5bei2ci3gei1wui6nei5
(Eng.) Considering the fact that this is your first offence. I will give you a chance.
See also: 不知者不罪 小懲大誡 從犯 從輕發落 懷璧其罪 明知故犯 積犯 笞刑 罪加一等 負荊請罪 (類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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