
Entry #1
Pronunciation: fan1 lei4
Character Meaning:
to divide; component; mark; point; cent; penny; 0.1 dime; a unit of length; 1/8 inch; unit of land area; (geometry) minute; 1/60 of a degree; 0.01 tael; one-tenth; to split; to share; to distribute; to distinguish
to leave; away from; to part from
Part of Speech: verb
  • to separate; to split; to sever
    (Cant.) 政教分離zing3 gaau3 fan1 lei4
    (Eng.) separation of church and state
    (Cant.) zau6syun3ngo5dei6gei2jan1oi3dou3sei2go2zan6mai6jau6hai6jiu3fan1lei4
    (Eng.) No matter how much we love each other, death will keep us apart at last.
    (Cant.) mui5ci3fan1lei4dou1m4jung4ji6
    (Eng.) Separation is never easy every time.

  • separatism
    (Cant.) fan1lei4king1hoeng3
    (Eng.) separatist tendency
    (Cant.) fan1lei4zou2zik1
    (Eng.) separatist organization
    (Cant.) fan1lei4wan6dung6
    (Eng.) separatist movement
    (Cant.) fan1lei4gwok3gaa1ge3ji3tou3
    (Eng.) intention to separate the state
    (Cant.) seoi1jin4jin6si4keoi5dei6mei6nang4gau3cung4aat3bik1keoi5dei6ge3gwok3gaa1fan1lei4daan6hai6jau4deoi3kong3goeng1ci4ji4sang1ge3gwok3zuk6duk6laap6ji3sik1jat6zim6sing4suk6
    (Eng.) Despite being unable to break away from their oppressive nation, they have developed an increasingly strong sense of national identity through persistent resistance.

Synonym: Synonym: 分開 脱離 離開
See also: 分裂 破裂 破 切割 分拆 分家 隔 分割 分裂 分道揚鑣 分開 切割 合而為一 密不可分 支離 核分裂 融為一體 (部份類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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