
Entry #1
Pronunciation: fan1 gung1
Character Meaning:
to divide; component; mark; point; cent; penny; 0.1 dime; a unit of length; 1/8 inch; unit of land area; (geometry) minute; 1/60 of a degree; 0.01 tael; one-tenth; to split; to share; to distribute; to distinguish
work; job; profession; vocation; man-day; working-day
Part of Speech: verb
to divide labour; to split up the work
(Cant.) laa4laa4lam4fan1gung1sin1
(Eng.) Let's decide on the division of labour right away.
(Cant.) fan1gung1m4hai6hou2wan4ceon4
(Eng.) The division of labour is quite uneven.
See also: 分線 分而治之 分門別類 各施各法 各自為政 合作無間 核心家庭 相輔相成 職分 通力合作 (類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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