
Entry #1
Pronunciation: mou5 sau2 mei5
Character Meaning:
don't have; no big deal; nothing important; do not; there is/are not; to not exist; to not be related; to not have; to not own; to not possess
hand; forelimb; lot
tail; last; final; end; remaining part
Part of Speech: adjective
  • to not tidy out after finishing
    (Cant.) zap1faan1hou2nei5di1wun6geoi6laa1m4hou2gam3mou5sau2mei5
    (Eng.) Tidy up your toys!

  • to give up before finishing
    (Cant.) keoi5gam3mou5sau2mei5tai2paa3fan6gung1fo3dou1m4使sai2zi2ji3zou6dak1jyun4
    (Eng.) He/She always give up before finish the homework, seems the homework can never been done.

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