
Entry #1
Pronunciation: din2 gaai2
Character Meaning:

to untie; to separate; to dismisse; to disintegration; to release; to remove; to understand; to be informed; to explain; answer
Part of Speech: pronoun
Labels: Recent Jargon Wrong Character
an alternative written form used specifically to represent the pronunciation for the word 點解 dim2 gaai2 (why) in casual speech; used as a parody or to sound cute
(Cant.) hou2sai1lei6aa3din2gaai2ge3din2gaai2wui5gam2ge3
(Eng.) That's incredible! How come? Why is that so?
See also: 他鄉遇故知 化干戈為玉帛 大解 得饒人處且饒人 明解 有志者事竟成 百思不得其解 立身處世 置之死地而後生 願聞其詳 (類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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