
Entry #1
Pronunciation: gung1 cyu5
Character Meaning:
public; shared; governmental; (of animals) male; obverse; mother's father; old man
public office; to sign; to lay out; to deploy; acting
Part of Speech: noun
commission; office of commissioner
(Cant.) 廉政公署lim4 zing3 gung1 cyu5
(Eng.) Independent Commission Against Corruption
(Cant.) san1sou3zyun1jyun4gung1cyu5
(Eng.) Office of the Ombudsman
(Cant.) hoeng1gong2gaau3keoi1zyu2gaau3gung1cyu5
(Eng.) Chancery Office, the Catholic Diocese of Hong Kong
(Cant.) go3jan4zi1liu2si1jan2zyun1jyun4gung1cyu5
(Eng.) Office of the Privacy Commissioner for Personal Data
See also: commission 酬金 專員 審計署 局方 康文署 懲教署 教育局 特區政府 當局 社署 署方 通訊局 (部份類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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