
Entry #1
Pronunciation: baat3 daat6 tung1
Character Meaning:
to reach; reach; to attain; to arrive
common; pass; macaroni; pipes; expert; to communicate; to inform; to lead to; to arrive at; to understand; to know; open; through; connected; logical; coherent; reasonable; entire; whole
Part of Speech: noun
Labels: Proper Noun Hong Kong
Octopus card (measure word: 張)
(Cant.) dut1baat3daat6tung1
(Eng.) to swipe an Octupus card
(Cant.) jau5zo2baat3daat6tung1jung6siu2zo2hou2do1saan2ngan2
(Eng.) After getting an Octopus card, I use way less loose change than before.
Synonym: Synonym: 八達通咭
See also: 八達通咭 鱆魚 八爪魚 二維碼 信用卡 信用咭 儲值卡 刷卡 回鄉卡 拖卡 提款卡 電子貨幣 電話卡 (部份類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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