
Entry #1
Pronunciation: baat3 zi6
Character Meaning:
character; character; word; five minutes; script; handwriting; penmanship; calligraphy; tails (of a coin)
Part of Speech: noun
A method to record time (year, month, date, hour) in ancient China, and the word has an extended meaning of someone's birth time (record). It is also believed that the birth time determines how well a person will be and goes with another person. So when two persons do not go well with each other, it's said that 'their birth times do not match'.
(Cant.) 八字生得正baat3 zi6 saang1 dak1 zeng3
(Eng.) to be born lucky; born under a lucky star
(Cant.) keoi5dei6loeng5fu1fu5saang1san4baat3zi6m4gaap3so2ji5seng4jat6naau6gaau1
(Eng.) Their birth times do not match, so they argue a lot.
See also: 凸字 十二生肖 口訣 字字珠璣 測字 疊字 簡筆字 紫微斗數 象形文字 鬼畫符 (類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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