
Entry #1
Pronunciation: jap6 haang1
Character Meaning:
to enter; to go into; to be admitted into; to join; to participate; to buy; to stock up on; to conform to; to agree with
hole; pit; hollow
Part of Speech: verb
to get hooked; to be strongly attracted; to be into something
(Cant.) keoi5soeng6go3jyut6sin1jap6sip3jing2haang1ji5ging1maai5zo2gei2zi1geng3tau4
(Eng.) He just started to be into photography last month and has bought a few lenses already.
(Cant.) hai6gam2bo3keoi5dei6di1go1nei5zung6m4jing6zi6gei2jap6haang1
(Eng.) By continuing to play their songs, you should admit that you've become a fan of theirs, shouldn't you?
See also: 先睹為快 入秋 入贅 名落孫山 有志者事竟成 樂而忘返 送舊迎新 開户 騎牛揾馬 龍精虎猛 (類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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