
Entry #1
Pronunciation: soeng1 sai3
Character Meaning:
wound; to injure or hurt; to offend; injury
power; anyhow; no matter what; at any rate; force; influence; situation; circumstance; tendency; trend; potential
Part of Speech: noun
condition of an injury or wound; extent of an injury
(Cant.) soeng1sai3jim4zung6
(Eng.) to be seriously injured
(Cant.) gaa1cung5soeng1sai3
(Eng.) to worsen the injury
(Cant.) beng6jan4ge3soeng1sai3jau5gei1wui6ok3faa3
(Eng.) The patient's injury may get worse.
See also: 傷愈 傷痕 傷重 內傷 受傷 外傷 整傷 瘀傷 負傷 骨折 (類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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